If you would like to be kept informed of open rehearsals at which you can come and meet the GUK, please fill in the form below! We’ll send you an email as soon as it’s ready.
Naam (verplicht) / Name (mandatory)
E-mail (verplicht) / E-mail (mandatory)
Geboortedatum / Birth date
Telefoon/gsm / (mobile) Phone
Adres + nummer / Address + number
Postcode / Postal code
Woonplaats / Town
—Please choose an option—UGentHogentArteveldehogeschoolKAHO Sint-LievenAndere
Studierichting / Field of study
Stem / Voice
—Please choose an option—Sopraan / SopranoAlt / AltoTenorBas / BassIk weet het nog niet / I don't know yet
Koor- en muziekervaring / Choir and music experience