Friends of the GUK (VVHG)
You can become a friend of the GUK!
For the organization of its concerts and concert tour and for its daily functioning, the GUK can always use a little support, a shoulder to rest on, an encouraging word, material support. The GUK likes to call on its friends for this help.
Become a friend
Would you like to become a friend of the GUK to assist it in its musical adventures? That’s very simple: For the small annual amount of 100 euros you become a friend of the GUK. The GUK, in turn, does its best to spoil all friends with some favors:
- You will be kept informed of the ins and outs of the GUK by means of an electronic newsletter (6 to 7 times a year)
- You will receive an invitation from us with 2 free tickets for each concert
- Seats are reserved at the front of the concert hall and you can have a drink at the bar afterwards at our expense
- You will be mentioned by name in our program booklets
It is sufficient to transfer 100 euro to number BE91 7330 0416 5976, stating: FRIEND OF THE GUK + name. Send us your details as a future friend of the GUK by filling in the form below. Your registration is complete when we have received your transfer of 100 euros. If ticket sales for our concert have already started that semester, you will not receive the first free tickets until the following semester. The conductor and all singers of the GUK are very grateful to you!