
Where and When?

We rehearse every Tuesday of the academic year, except during holiday, exam and study periods, from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Rehearsals take place in the Trechterzaal of studentenhuis De Therminal (Hoveniersberg 24). We are perfectly accessible for everyone here and we can also go for a drink in the neighborhood afterwards!

Mandatory ?!

A semester is quite short to put together a full evening concert at a high level. This is not possible if there are too many absences during rehearsals, so we expect a GUK member to be present at every rehearsal. In addition, there is a rehearsal weekend every semester where huge leaps forward are made with the repertoire. Attendance at the weekend is therefore very important. It can always happen that there are obligations that you cannot avoid, or that you are ill, but if you miss too many rehearsals, you may not be able to participate in the concerts. Those who are not there, miss a lot musically (and otherwise) … Rehearsing with a full choir is simply more fun and instructive.